Single-pillar vertical conveyor

Single-pillar vertical conveyors are used to move medium-sized loads of up to several hundred kilograms between building storeys. Having a simple and compact structure and a stable base, these conveyors are a perfect match for small spaces offering a limited footprint for installation.
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Examples of implementations:

2014. Single-pillar vertical conveyors
Vertical conveyors forming a pallet transport system for a dairy plant. The other equipment included in that complex system such as roller and chain transfers, roller conveyors and turntables, is used to transport pallets in a cold and warm tunnel.

2013. Four-pillar vertical conveyor
Another vertical conveyor provided as part of a pallet transport system for a food company. The system includes also other equipment which works with the vertical conveyor such as: roller and chain conveyors, roller transfers and a pallet magazine.

2006. Single-pillar vertical conveyors
These conveyors are part of a system for transporting finished products provided in 2006 to one of the Poland’s largest manufacturers of household appliances. The system delivered by PROMAG is responsible for transporting refrigerators and uses roller and belt conveyors, transfers, turntables and scissor lifts.

2006. Refrigerator transport system with a vertical conveyor
A system for transporting finished products provided in 2006 to one of the Poland’s largest manufacturers of household appliances. The system delivered by PROMAG is responsible for transporting refrigerators and uses roller and belt conveyors, transfers, turntables, scissor lifts and a single-column vertical conveyor.

2005. Single-pillar vertical conveyor
Conveyors which form part of a salt handling system. As PROMAG’s machines were intended to work in an aggressive environment, high quality was required in terms of durability of materials and their chemical resistance.

2004. Single-pillar vertical conveyors
Conveyors used in a packaging transport system designed and built for a food company. These conveyors are used to transfer loads between different storeys of buildings and do not require any special bottom pits or foundations.

2001. Single-pillar vertical conveyor
A single-column vertical conveyor delivered in 2001 to an electronics company. Additionally, a buffer (an arrangement of roller conveyors) was also constructed and installed as part of this project.